Next Generation Dashboard

Next Generation Dashboard

A new and improved ‘Next Generation Dashboard’ was released in October 2021. All new tenants will use the new dashboard by default and tenants that already have dashboards in use can replace them with the new dashboard.

Some of the benefits of the new dashboard include:

  • Easy drag & drop feature for resizing and moving your cards in dashboard edit mode

  • New flexibility for using various different sized cards to fill your dashboard

  • Possibility to predefine custom layouts for different screen sizes

  • Updated look and feel

The functionality from the old, standard dashboards remains the same but in fewer separate widgets. Below you find an overview of the available widgets for the new dashboard and how they correspond to the widgets of the standard dashboard.

Next Generation Dashboard

Standard dashboard

Next Generation Dashboard

Standard dashboard











Indicator details (redesign)

Indicator details

Last DC Updates

Last DC Updates



Next DC Updates

Next DC Updates

Spacer (enhanced with option for text)




Create a new Next Generation dashboard

Global dashboard

  1. Go to the link [insert tenant here].mainlevel.de/01/layouts/dashboards.

  2. Click on the Add Button.

  3. Fill in the information. By default all dashboards are now created as Next Generation.

  4. Click on Create.






Reference code of the dashboard


Name of the dashboard


Selection between old and new dashboard



Data collection dashboard

If you are using the old dashboards and want to replace them with the Next Generation dashboard, then create the new dashboard as a Global dashboard (see above) and contact your administrator for moving the dashboard to the relevant data collection and disabling the old dashboard.

  1. Access the Data Collection Settings of the data collection for which you want to create a dashboard,

  2. Go to Layout tab and enable the Dashboard Flag,

  3. Click the Save Button. After saving the settings, the dashboard tab will be displayed in the horizontal navigation.

  4. Enter a name for the dashboard.

  5. Click Create.

Dashboard editor

The following steps are identical for both global and data collection specific dashboards.

To enter the dashboard editor:

  1. Click on the Edit Dashboard.



  2. If needed, you can define and save different layouts for different screen sizes. At the moment the ‘SM’ covers all small screens (up to 959px) and ‘MD’ all big screens (960px and wider).


  3. Click on the Add Button to select a new dashboard item.


  4. Click Apply.

  5. The widget you selected ('Chart' in our example) is added to the dashboard and you can resize it by dragging and dropping it by the bottom right corner.

  6. You can also reposition the widget on the dashboard by dragging and dropping.

  7. Next, to configure the widget, access the settings from the top right corner:

  8. Depending on the widget, there are different settings available: Chart, Item, Filters and Layout. More on the different settings tabs here (ADD LINK).


  9. Once you have added all your widgets, click on the Save Button.

Filters for Dashboards

Adding filters to the Next Generation dashboards works in the same way as with the old dashboards. You can find all the details here.