Managing your reporting periods

Managing your reporting periods

To manage reporting periods for a logframe, navigate to the logframe you wish to modify. In the second tab labeled "Reporting Periods," you'll find a list containing all reporting periods created based on your input during logframe creation. Click on any reporting period to modify it.

  • If necessary, assign a specific name to the reporting period, such as "2024" or "Reporting Period 1."

  • Specifiy the start and end date of a reporting period.

  • Choose a status for the reporting period:

    • New: Indicates a reporting period that has not yet started.

    • Open: Represents a reporting period that is currently ongoing.

    • Closed: Designates a reporting period that has concluded.

Please note that data entry is only permitted for reporting periods marked as "Open."


Previous step: Create result levels, results and indicators

Next step: Add your team


If you have further questions or need assistance while using Reframe Monitor, please reach out to us at hello@reframe-data.io, and our team will be happy to help.