Data Frame: Selection Question
On this page you will find instructions on how to set up a Selection Question and create a reference.
The Selection Question will ask you to select from a given selection.
It can be used to create a link between data collections, e.g. Events and Participants, which is called Nested Data Collections.
Besides setting up general question properties (e.g. display type and sort property), you can set filters to the selection question in the advanced options.
General Options
Name | Description |
Incoming Reference | An incoming reference is used when another data collection has a selection question which points to this data collection. The reference are not part of this data collection and are therefore not versioned. Click here for an instruction on the concept of Neste Data Collections. |
Display Type (mandatory) | Type of display of the selection question |
→ Button | |
→ Select | |
→ Dropdown | |
→ Table | When the creation of new reference is enabled you can download an upload template via the three dots. |
Multiple | Enables/Disables multiple selections |
→ Minimum selected Items | If Multiple is enabled the minimum selected items can be chosen |
→ Maximum selected Items | If Multiple is enabled the maximum selected items can be chosen |
Load instantly (only for Dropdown) | Enables loading of content when data entry form is opened. By default the content only loads when clicking on a selection question. |
Sort property | Property by which the answers to the selection question are sorted (Name, Description or Sort Order) |
Sort Ascending | Sorting direction (descending by default) |
Virtualized | ??? |
Autofill | Automatically fills question |
→ First | Selects the first entry of the referenced value list |
→ Custom | Enables a dropdown with all available entries of a value list where one can be selected to be autofilled |
→ Single | Automatically selects a value if there is only one value on the referenced value list |
Create Simple Value List | A simple value list cannot be reused in other data collections. It should be used in cases with a very basic data collection like for, instance, a category which contains no more additional data as the category name |
Referenced Collection (mandatory) | Dropdown of all data collections that can be referenced |
Reference Visualization Property (mandatory) | Property of data collection that will be shown as the possible answers to the selection question |
Versioning Strategy (mandatory) | Selection if always the latest approved version or the concrete version at the time of saving of the slection answers should be used. |
Enable creation of new references (only for Dropdown and Table) | Allows the creation of a new entry in the referenced data collection via a data entry form or an upload of an Excel file. |
Enable selection of existing references (only for Table) | Allows the selection of existing entries in the referenced data collection |
Add to index | Enables/disables if reference path is added to the index. This is needed if you want to work / calculate with the data from the incoming reference. For Example, if you want to have a calculated field on how many participants participated in an Event. |
If a selection question is set up with the single select option it is not possible to change it to the multiselect option when there is already productive data in the system.
Advanced Options
Name | Description |
Selection Item Attributes | Shows additional attributes for each selection item (e.g. the attribute School Type to the item School) The key is the identification of the attribute The label is the display name |
Filters | Filters the answers to the selection question by the selected attributes. Here you have two options:
Group by Attribute | Groups selection items by specified attribute (e.g. schools are grouped by there provinces in the dropdown) The key is the identification of the attribute The label is the display name |
Display in the Template
The question is displayed in the data entry form as follows.
To answer the Selection Question,
click on the question and
select your answer.