click in the search field and
insert the search term.
Filters help you navigate your data table quicker via customised filters. To see which filters have been configured click on the small icon marked in yellow next to the “Add Submission” field.
In the image below you can see that filters for “Occupational Fields”, “School” and “Province” have been enabled.
In the fields you can select one or multiple options and then click on “Apply” to filter your data table for the items that you are interested in
Resetting filters:
There are two ways to reset filters. Once you have applied filters, they will be displayed on the top left of your data table as seen in the image below, to reset that filter simply click on the little “x” in the box and the filter will reset.
The other option is to reset the filter via the “Reset” button in the filter tab from the image above. The reset button is next to the apply button and will reset the filters you have selected
View Columns
With the feature View Columns you can set which data should be visible as a column in the Data Table and also in which order.