Data Table Features

Data Table Features

On this page you will find information on how to search and customize Data Tables.

In every Data Table you have various features that can be accessed in the top right corner.


The Search feature let’s you search for any character/word/number in a data collection and returns all submissions that contain the character/word/number in any column.

To search in a Data Table,

  1. Click the search field and

  2. Insert the search term


Filters help you navigate your data table quicker via customised filters. To see which filters have been configured click on the small icon marked in the image below in yellow, next to the “Add Submission” field.

This lets you filter for all options in a specific column.

In the image below you can see that filters for “Occupational Fields”, “School” and “Province” have been configured.

In the fields you can select one or multiple options and then click on “Apply” to filter your data table for the items that you are interested in

Resetting filters:
There are two ways to reset/un-apply filters. Once you have applied filters to the data, they will be displayed on the top left of your data table as seen in the image below, to reset that filter simply click on the little “x” in the box and the filter will be reset.

The other option is to reset the filtered selection via the “Reset” button in the filter tab from the image above. The reset button is next to the apply button and will reset the filters you have selected

View Columns

With the feature View Columns you can set which data should be visible as a column in the Data Table and also in which order.

  1. Click on the View Columns Button and a dropdown list of all data points in this data collection is displayed.


  2. Click on any data point to make it visible in the Data Table.


To change the order of the the columns in the Data Table,

  1. Drag-and-drop any data point to the preferred position.

Click here to see instructions on how to add additional View Columns from references data collections.

Optional Columns:

The columns belonging to your data entry mask will always be enabled by default, this means every question that is part of the data entry will always be displayed by default in the data table. There are some optional columns that you can enable via the columns button. These will provide you with a little more information about the entries in the data table. These columns can not be edited and are generated automatically by the system.

Code: This shows the code for every individual submission. The code functions as a unique identifier for a submission of a data collection in the system.

Version: The version shows the number of times an entry has been edited so far. So version 1 would mean it is the first version i.e. it is a new entry that has just been created and was not previously edited. Accordingly, version 2 would mean the entry has been edited/updated by 1 person, while version 3 would mean that two edits/updates have been made and so on.

Status: The status of an entry can vary, for example, it can be “submitted”, “approved” or “archived”

Author: This shows the original author of the entry when it was first entered in the database.

Last Modifier: This shows the name of the person that made the latest edit/update of an entry.

Creation Time: This shows the date and time when the entry was first created.

Modification Time: This shows the date and time when an entry was last edited/updated by someone.

Data Source: This shows whether an entry was created manually through the “Add submission” option in the data view or via the import feature.

New Question: This is a question in the data entry form that been changed to “invisible”, this is sometimes used for calculation questions or for indicator purposes and does not exist in every data collection.


Changes to the View Columns will be saved for the individual user. Below you find instructions on how to save changes for all users.

Additional Settings

Via the Additional Settings Button there are more features available to the Data Table.

  1. You can download an Excel file with the data of this data collection.

  2. If you have added View Columns or changed its order, you can reset the settings of the table to its default status.

  3. If you have added View Columns or changed its order, and you are an admin user, you can save this setting as default for every user.