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Management Information System basics

MIS stands for Management Information System. The system is developed and maintained by Mainlevel Consulting AG and consists of a number of modules and features that enable various functions. The system is completely web-based which makes it highly flexible while maintaining excellent performance. The following non-exhaustive list provides an overview of key modules:

  • Collection and management of data

  • Indicator tracking

  • Information sharing and knowledge management

  • Analytical dashboard and automatic reports

  • Geographic mapping

  • Surveying

  • Mobile application and remote monitoring

The system can be applied in a very broad range of uses cases and sectors (e.g. social protection, biodiversity, reforestation, health, education, employment promotion, citizen engagement). It can be integrated with existing or with auxiliary systems. For more details on use cases, modules and functionalities see <link>.

The process of setting up a MIS follows typically an agile and iterative sequence of work steps. Initially, the use case is narrowed down and defined, which enables the specification of requirements. In iterative rounds, the system is developed and refined. After some testing, capacity development of the users ensures that the users are able to operate the system and ownership for the system is generated.

The typical duration for such a process can calst from 2 months to more than a year, depending on the complexity of the system and the number of stakeholders involved.

To learn more about the process of setting up an MIS, see MIS Knowledge Base.

The system is generally navigated via the navigation sidebare on the left of the screen. This sidebar is adaptable to the use case of the system and to specific user roles and groups (following the permission scheme).

Data collection refers to the place where data is stored within the MIS. There are different ways for storing data in the MIS within a data collection (values lists, structure lists and data pots).

A data collection form provides an interface to enter new data and add it to an existing data collection. Once data is entered and saved, the submission is added to the data collection. Typically, data collection forms feed the data pots while referencing to value lists and structure lists.

A question is a field on the data collection form, where various types of data can be entered. For each data collection form there is a template where the questions are selected and arranged.

Click here for an overview of all types of questions.

There is high flexibility in defining questions and restraining possible data that can be entered to make sure users enter the right data at the right place.

For more information see the instructions on how to create and modify a template.



Results and Indicators




Data Collection Forms

Data Tables

User Management

Theme / Styling

Document Management

Import / Export