Question Types and their properties
On this page you will find information about all the question types and their properties.
After adding a question to the template, fill out the needed information and choose your preferred question properties.
The General Question Properties are the same for all types of questions.
Name | Description |
Name | Title of the question which is displayed in the template |
Short Name | Short name of the question (will be displayed as a question title in the template editor and in the data table) |
Code | Reference code of the question. Should be short and start with a lowercase letter. |
Data Type (mandatory) | Dropdown of all types of data to be submitted to the question. Depending on there type of question there are different data types available. |
→ Date | Date |
→ Integer | Integer |
→ Floating Point Number | Floating Point Number |
→ Text | Text |
→ Object | Object (e.g. reference data collection, photo or upload) |
Description | Description of the question |
Active | Enables/disables the question for the data collection |
Visible | Enables/disables the display of the question in the template |
Mandatory | Enables/disables if question is mandatory for saving the submission |
Read Only (Calculated) | Enables/disables if calculated answers are read only |
Hide Question Title | Enables/disables the display of the question title |
Specific question properties
For every question type there are also specific question properties which are displayed via different tabs.
In the first tab specific properties related to the type of question chosen are available. Click on the links below to find instructions on how to set up each question type:
According to the type of question there are additional settings available: