Text Question

Text Question

On this page you will find instructions on how to set up a Text Question.

The Text Questions asks you to submit a text.


The attributes of the question can be defined in the settings (e.g. restrictions to the number of characters).






Enables a dropdown to the question with all available languages. In this way answers can be stored/translated to several languages


The given value must be unique across all the submissions in the data collection.


Validation that data can only be entered in the specified pattern (e.g. email adress). Pattern needs to configured in a regex format.


A placeholder value that will disappear once you enter text to the field.

Initial value

An initial text value that is filled in to the field.

Minimum Number of Characters

Minimum Number of Characters

Maximum Number of Characters

Maximum Number of Characters

Multiple Lines

Enables/Disables wrapping of the text

Display in the Template

The question is displayed in the data entry form as follows.

To answer the Text Question,

  1. click in the text input field and

  2. insert your text.

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