Quick Guide for setting up CONNECT

Quick Guide for setting up CONNECT

On this page you will find a step by step guide on setting up your CONNECT.


  1. Find out which data you need!

  2. Set up the data structure in CONNECT

  3. Customize your CONNECT

  4. Add test data and adjust data pots

  5. Create users and permissions

  6. Visualize your data

  7. Create the results and indicators

  8. Start collecting data

1. Find out which data you need!

Before making any configurations on CONNECT, you need to find out which data you collect in your project and which data should be entered and stored in CONNECT.

A core function of CONNECT is the systematic collection and analysis of data on the project’s activities and operations. This requires that the respective data is entered and stored within a clear and analysable data structure. The data structure of the MIS is divided into the following elements:  

(a)  Operational data pots relate to the project operations and activities (e.g. capacity development measures, area of reforestation, innovations developed). They are used for monitoring continuous, recurring activities or measures. The data is collected with predefined data entry forms that entail a set of attributes.

(b)  Structural data pots are reusable sets of hierarchical data relating regional structures (e.g. countries, provinces, etc.) as well as institutions (e.g. schools, projects, etc.). These will be entered once and then used for analysis across these different levels of hierarchy or in other words to aggregate (upwards) and/or disaggregate (downwards) data. Hence, interdependencies exist between these structural data types, e.g. ministry → regional education office → school.

(c) For each data pot you need to define its data attributes. This is the information that is collected for each data pot and will appear as questions on the data entry form. For example, for the structural data pot School you may want to know the name, location, type of school, etc. For each attribute you need to decide which type of data / question you want to use (e.g. test question, number question, etc.). Value lists are a special data attributes that represent a reusable list of options that can be used on several data entry forms via a selection question (e.g. gender with the options female, male and other).

The data pots and their attributes will make up the data structure of your project:

A good starting point to identify the data structure is the result matrix, current monitoring systems (e.g. Excel-files) and any other reporting requirements of your project.

This data structure is not set in stone but rather a guiding document for understanding your data needs and transfering them into the MIS.

2. Set up the data structure in CONNECT

Start with the structural data pots.

  1. For every structural data pot that you have identified in the data structure create a data collection in the data settings (e.g. countries, provinces, districts, schools, etc.)

  2. Configure data collection templates (forms) with all the attributes (questions).

    1. If a question requires a selection out of predefined answers, you need to create the options as a value list in the data settings.

    2. Link the structural data pots with reference questions.

    3. Adjust the layout of the form.

    4. Add content elements to the form for explanations etc. if needed.

Continue with the operational data pots

  1. Create data collections for each data pot and configure a template with all the attributes.

    1. If a question requires a selection out of predefined answers, you need to create the options as a value list in the data settings.

    2. Link structural data pots with reference questions.

    3. Adjust the layout of the form.

    4. Add content elements to the form for explanations etc. if needed.

Link data pots to navigation

When you have created the data pots they need to be linked to the navigation to be accessible for the users. Go to the navigation section in the administration to do so.

3. Customize your CONNECT

This step can really come at any stage of setting up CONNECT for your project. Got to the section Theme in the administration and align the colors and the logos to your project.

4. Add test data and adjust data pots

To be sure that the right data is entered into the system and that the data collection form is user-friendly, enter some test data and adjust the data pots and attributes as needed.

5. Create users and permissions

Again, this step can take place at any stage of setting up your CONNECT. It might be helpful to give selected users (the M&E team, for instance) access to CONNECT at an early stage to involve them in the testing of the system. As the tool should be developed for its users, they should be involved early.

Go to the User Management section in the administration and create users and assign them groups, roles and profiles.

6. Visualize your data

Once the data structure has been created into CONNECT and you have entered the first operational data (either test or productive data) you can start creating dashboards to visualize your data.

  1. Create a dashboard for each data collection where you want to create a dashboard

  2. Identify key data points to be visualised as well as (dis)aggregated

  3. Create a dashboard item and a corresponding aggregation

  4. Select one or more chart types

  5. Set the layout of the chart items

7. Create the results and indicators

  1. Create results model and indicators

  2. Identify data points that should be aggregated for each indicator

  3. Create aggregations

8. Start collecting data

When the data structure is represented in CONNECT, you can start collecting data and feeding it into the system. Be aware that this step should only start when the data structure is finalised, because when adjusting the data collection forms the already entered data will be corrupt.

Enter the data for any data pot via the data entry form or import already existing data.