Term | Description |
Data Collection |
Template |
Predefined and reusable lists of values that can be refered to in a question of a data collection (e.g. Gender, Type of Training, etc.) | |
Predefined and reusable lists of structural data (i.e. provinces or sectors) that can be refered to in a question of a data collection | |
Collection that references the reusable and predefined Value and Structure Lists and that contains free input fields. | |
Survey |
An aggregation is a mathematical function where the values of multiple submissions are grouped together to form a single or multiple summary value. | |
A Calculation for a chart or indicator allows you to return a value that is calculated on one or more aggregations. | |
Question Editor |
Aggregation Editor |
Question Type |
Geo Map |
Topo Map |
Tenant |
Workspace |
Workspace and subsection of it in the MIS. The MIS can be divided into workspaces, that are seperate entities. In these workspaces you have seperate subsections. | |
Set of permissions for specific ressources (e.g. Data Reporter - allowed to view data collections as well as to create and edit submissions) | |
Technical component of the MIS (e.g. data collections, indicator, indicator activity, result model, submission, unit) | |
Set of roles for specific units and additionally access rights to system features. | |
Restriction on viewing and editing rights for submissions in data collections | |
Right to perform a task | |
Data Entry Form |
Data View (Table) |
Activities of a project (e.g. events, enrolments, number of planted trees, etc.) | |
‘Static’ data relating to geographical regions (i.e. provinces, districts) and institutions (i.e. sectors, schooles, etc.). | |
Option to display and manage your data (Dashboard, Data, Documents, Gallery) | |
Question Path Selector |