Data Management

On this page, you will find a general introduction to the data management in the MIS.

Data Types

The MIS stores two types of data that are used for the systematic collection of project data.

  • Operational Data which refers to the activities of a project (e.g. events, enrolments, number of planted trees, etc.)

  • Structural Data which correspond to more ‘static’ data relating to geographical regions (i.e. provinces, districts) and institutions (i.e. sectors, schooles, etc.).

Before configurating the MIS a data structure (see below) is identified that contains these two data types. Eventually, all the Operational Data can be (dis-)aggregated by the individual elements of the Structural Data.

Collection of Data

All of the data in the MIS is collected by three in terms of their content different types of data collections.

  1. Value Lists: Predefined and reusable lists of values that can be refered to in a question of a data collection (e.g. Gender, Type of Training, etc.)

  2. Structure Lists: Predefined and reusable lists of structural data (i.e. provinces or sectors) that can be refered to in a question of a data collection

  3. Data Pot: Collection that references the reusable and predefined Value and Structure Lists and that contains free input fields.

Each Data Pot has a data entry form, which is used to collect the data.

From a technically standpoint these three data collections are the same and will be configurated likewise, but they serve different purposes.

On the following pages you will find instructions on how to create a data collection.