Geo Question

Geo Question

On this page you will find instructions on how to set up a Geo Question.

The Geo Question will ask you to submit GPS coordinates.


The attributes of the question can be defined in the settings (e.g. type of geometry or the tooltip).







Selection of the types of geometric form used in the map

→ Polygon

Polygon (e.g. used for an area of interest)

→ Point

Point (e.g. location)

→ Polyline

Polyline (e.g. street)


Enables / Disables setting of multiple geometries


The map will be centered around a geo point that you can define here


Zoom level of the map. This level can go from 0 to maximum 18


The map view is automatically zoomed when defining a polygon

Measure (mandatory)

Unit in which Polyline or Polygon is measured (Meter, Hectar, Kilometer, Mile, Acre, Yard)

Geo search provider (mandatory)

You can choose which provider to use for the map search function


Opens the map in a popover instead of displaying it on the data entry form next to the question field

Show Tooltip

Enables / Disables Tooltip

Tooltip Template

The template for the tooltip content excluding the headline

Tooltip Headline

Headline for the tooltip

Center path

You can center the map based on a geo point entered to a previous geo question in the same data entry form

Display in the Template

The question is displayed in the data entry form as follows. To answer the Geo Question, you can either paste your geo point coordinates directly to the question field or open a map and pin a geo point / polyline / polygon. Below are the steps for using the map option:

  1. click in the Geo Button and a map will open in a new dialogue.

  2. Click on the Marker Button and to set a marker. You can zoom via the interface or mouse wheel.

  3. Confirm the entry by clicking Apply.

  4. An alternative way of picking a geo point is to use the search on the left side of the dialogue. You can enter either a location or an address to the search field.


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