Results Model and Indicator - Overview
You can access the the results model and indicator section through the navigation on the left.
In this section you will see five tabs:
Results Dashboard
Results Model
Indicator List
Indicator Dashboard
Results Dashboard
The results dashboard provides and overview of all the different levels and their indicators. In the image below there are two levels “Outcome” and “Output”. In the example there is one outcome and four different outputs. The outcome has a list of three indicators marked in the big yellow box. The outputs below will have a number of indicators as well, depening on your project set-up. With the little arrows on the right (marked in the boxes) you can open and collapse the boxes for each outcome or output for an easier overview.
You can hover over the individual indicators to see the progress of their targets. This works when targets have been defined and there has been a status done in the past. Otherwise you will see a “0” in them by default.
Aside from hovering over the indicator, you can also click on an indicator to be redirected to a detailed view of the indicator in the “Indicator dashboard” tab.
Results Model
In this view you can create your results model in a visual way for a better overview.
Indicator List
The indicator list tab shows you all the different indicators as well as their target and current values.
Indicator Dashboard
In here you will see all the indicators that you have added to of your results model in more detail