Data Frame: Creating a Nested Data Collection

Data Frame: Creating a Nested Data Collection

On this page you will find instructions on how to create Nested Data Collections.

In a data structure, data collections that are seperately identifiable but interlinked to each other are called Nested Data Collections.

For example, in the data collection Events there is a link to the data collection Participants. After entering general details about an event it is thus possible to add or select participants from the data collection Participants. In this way a linkage between the submissions to these two data collection is established which can also be displayed for each event or participant.

This link between these two data collections can be established by creating an outgoing reference via a selections question. Following the example above, you would need to create a selection question in the data collection Events that references the data collection Participants.

Be aware that references only operate in one direction which is in the direction in which the reference points to another data collection. For example when creating an outgoing reference in the data collection Events referencing or pointing to the data collection Participants it is only possible to select or create participants to the event. If you also want to create an event from a participant you need to create an incoming reference (see below)

Incoming References

In some cases it is also necessary to create submissions the other way around, e.g. an Event out of the data collection Participants. In this case you need to create an incoming reference in the data collection participants.

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