Uploading shapes / topological data in Mainlevel CONNECT

Uploading shapes / topological data in Mainlevel CONNECT

Uploading topological Data

To be able to display topological data in a topo Chart we first need to upload a topological map. This can be done in the admin section under “/maps/upload“.

  • go to your-domain/[workspace-code]/maps/upload

  • here you will be presented with a form in which you can input all the data the following fields are available:

    • Map code: The code to identify the map in the database (needed when configuring a topo Chart) e.g. “provinces-of-india“. No spaces are allowed.

    • Map name: The name for the map e.g. “Provinces of India“

    • Feature Identifier Path: This property is used by the topo chart to map the data from the aggregation to the topological data. For example if we have a property named “HASC_1” in the topological data that corresponds to a field in the data that serves as an identifier then this is the identifier (see image below).

    • Feature Name Path: This property serves as the display name for the feature in the tooltip.

    • Description: Add a description to the map

    • select topoJSON: Upload a .json file in the topoJSON format. If the data is in correct topoJSON format and can be read it will display a table with available properties

Topological Map overview

To see all the uploaded topological maps go to your-domain/[workspace-code]/maps/overview or if you are on the upload page just click the “Maps“ tab on top of the page. This will lead you to the view shown in below image.

On the view a table is displayed with each map in a row. If a row is clicked a panel will open on the right side that displays the map and shows a table with the properties (just like in the upload view) below the map. If you scroll down further you will find a small form where you can edit the properties map name, feature name path, feature identifier path and description.