Last Data Collection Updates

Last Data Collection Updates

On this page you will find instructions on how to configure the item Last DC Updates.

The dashboard item Last DC Updates shows a list of the latest changes to all or selected data collections.



  1. Go to the dashboard edit mode, click Add, select the Last DC Updates widget and Apply.


  2. Go to the widget settings.

  3. You can now select individual data collections to display in the widget (the Data Collections drop down) or choose a type of content (the Categories drop down). Further configuration options include:
    how many items in total would you like to show (Limit), how many items in one view (Page size), which field should the items be sorted by (Sort by field) and whether the creation or edit date should be considered (Displayed edit date type). Finally, you can toggle between descending and ascending sort order.


  4. Click Apply and you are done.


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