On this page you will learn how to add comments to data submissions.
You can leave comments on data submissions. Commenting is especially useful in the context of submission approval workflows, where approvers review submissions and can leave comments to the data reporter explaining why their submission was rejected and what the expected changes are.
How to add a comment
Open a submission from the data collection data view and click on the Comments icon on the top right hand corner of the window.
The commenting section will open to the right side of the data entry form where you can write and save your comment.
Note that once you have saved your comment you do not need to save the submission, you can just close it by clicking Cancel.
How do you know a data submission has comments
When you open a submission and it has comments, the Comments icon has badge:
By clicking on the icon, you can see the comments and add your own.
You can close the commenting section by clicking the Comments icon again.
Approval workflow - adding comment to rejected submission
If you have activated the approval workflow for your data collection, it is required to leave a comment if you reject a submission. This is to ensure that the data reporter knows what they need to update before resubmitting the data. The comment is requested in a separate popup window after you have clicked on Reject, but will be saved and displayed on the submission form exactly in the same way as other comments.