
On this page you will find instructions on how to use translations in the MIS.

The default language of the MIS system can be decided upon when it is initially created.

However, the system can be used multi-lingually and also right-to-left for languages that work in that direction (e.g. Arabic).

The language can be switched by clicking on the World Icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Static System Labels

Static system labels refer to all system-related texts (e.g. buttons etc.).

In the Translation section under Administration you will find an overview of all system labels that can be translated.

To edit add or edit a translation,

  1. click on any label and

  2. add the translation in the Localization Details Dialogue.

Dynamic Labels

Dynamic labels refer to all texts in data collections and templates that are created by a user (e.g. questions or content elements). These texts need to be translated for each language in the template editor. Each translatable text field has a dropdown menu attached.

To translate a text,

  1. select the language for which you’d like to provide a translation and

  2. enter it.