Add data and get actionable insights

Add data and get actionable insights

Log frame overview

On the results and indicators screen you will find an overview of your log frame.

  • In the table, you'll find your (1) result levels, results, and indicators structured systematically to maintain clarity.

  • For each indicator, the (2) responsible is displayed, (3) progress is indicated in percentage, and the (4) status is visualized.

  • Use the (5) actions to manage each element within your logframe.

  • To add a result level, result, or indicator, simply click on the (6) "Add" button.

  • (7) Download a project report to extract all the entered data, streamlining your reporting process.

  • Efficiently filter your indicators using the available (8) filters based on responsibility or status.

  • The basic information about your logframe can be change in the (9) settings.

Once you've set up all your indicators and your team is onboard, you can start to collection information. In Reframe Monitor there are two distinct types of information that can be added to your indicators:

Data: This involves the measurable progress over time that you can input during a reporting period. For a numeric indicator, for instance, it could be the number of students who have participated in your training sessions. Additionally, you can add a description of your performed activities.

Assessment: The assessment is a qualitative evaluation of the actual results against planned or expected results. Here, you can provide a status and offer a qualitative assessment of your indicator. Typically, this is done at the end of a reporting period or at fixed intervals (e.g., quarterly monitoring meetings).


To add data to any indicator, you can click on any indicator and click on “Add data”. Depending on the type of indicator that you have selected the data to entered differs.

For the process indicator, it is not possible to add data; instead, you can only input an assessment.

data (2).gif







Reporting period

Choose the reporting period for which you want to report data. The latest reporting period is pre-selected based on the current date, but you can of course opt for a different one.

Data collection date

Specify the date for data reporting. It can be the current date or the date when you received the data.


Enter the value for your indicator. As described in the indicator section above, data can be either collected as the latest change (since last reporting) or as the total value (since project start).

Not applicable

New total value

View the new total value of your indicator, calculated based on the previous and the newly reported value.

Not applicable

New Percentage:

Not applicable

Enter the latest percentage for your indicator. This value represents the updated status of your indicator.

Reference Value (Optional):

Not applicable

If required by the indicator, you can input the reference value that corresponds to the percentage, e.g 75% out of 200 students.


If disaggregations are defined for your indicator, enter the data or click on "N/A" if the numbers are not available. Ensure that disaggregations sum up to either the entered value (numeric) or 100% (percentage).

What activities were implemented to achieve this value? (optional):

Optionally, provide a qualitative description of the activities implemented to achieve the entered value. This information becomes part of the downloadable progress documentation.

Document of proof (optional):

If necessary, upload a document that serves as proof for the provided information.

External link to document(s) (optional):

If your proof document is stored in an external file management system, you provide a link to the document.


To add an assesment to any indicator, you can click on any indicator and click on “Add assessment”. Depending on the type of indicator that you have selected the data to entered differs.


Numeric / Percentage



Numeric / Percentage



Specify the specific date for your indicator assessment. It can be the current date or the date when you assessed the data.

Reporting period

Choose the reporting period for which you want to assess the indicator. The latest reporting period is pre-selected based on the current date, but you can of course opt for a different one.


Select a status to indicate the current conditions or progress of the specific indicator. Options include "Off Track," "At Risk," "On Track," and "Completed."

Which milestones have you reached so far:


Not applicable

Find the list of milestones that you have created for your indicator. Select a milestone to indicate the progress achieved thus far in the process.

What is the assessment of the target achievement?

Offer a qualitative description of the assessment and provide a rationale for the chosen status. This information is integrated into the downloadable progress documentation, contributing valuable insights and context to the overall evaluation of the indicator's status.

Document of proof (optional):

If necessary, upload a document that serves as proof for the provided information.

External link to document(s) (optional):

If your proof document is stored in an external file management system, you provide a link to the document.

Analyse your data

to deep dive into your indicators, simply click on any indicator in the logframe overview. A drawer will open with all information organized in tabs about that indicator.

  • On the dashboard, you'll find pre-configured analytics related to your indicator. Explore the progress of your indicator over time or its disaggregation into different dimensions.

  • The "Data" tab displays a table containing all the entered data for this indicator. Refer to this section if you wish to monitor the detailed data collection for this specific indicator.

  • For more qualitative insights into your indicator, see the timeline view of the indicators milestones and assessments.

  • All basic information, including definitions and sources, can be found in the details section..

  • Automation allows you to automatically calculate your indicator on the basis of a data frame. Please note that this is an advanced feature not included in the Starter Version.


Previous step: Add your team



If you have further questions or need assistance while using Reframe Monitor, please reach out to us at hello@reframe-data.io, and our team will be happy to help.

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