Add your team

Add your team

When you click on the "User" section in the navigation, you'll be directed to an overview screen listing all existing users.


If you haven't added any team members yet, click on the "Add" button. In the opening window, provide the user's email address, first and last name, and assign a user group. After saving, a confirmation email is sent to the provided email address for account activation.

Viewers: Viewers can view all data and indicators but can not enter or edit any data

Reporters: Reporters can view, add, edit and delete data for all indicators.

Managers: Managers can view, add, edit and delete data for all indicators. Additionally, they can create result models and indicators, manage disaggregations as well as create status updates for indicators.

Within the table, you have additional actions at your disposal:

  1. Send a Confirmation Email: An activation email will be automatically sent to the user's connected email account upon creation, containing an activation link. This link remains valid for 12 hours. If it expires, you can effortlessly resend it to them until they activate their account.

  2. Edit User Information: User information, such as their names, email, and user group, can be modified directly in this section.

  3. Delete User Account: Utilizing this button allows you to delete accounts that are either no longer required or should no longer have access to your Reframe Monitor.


Previous step: https://mainlevel.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MIS/pages/3775135907


If you have further questions or need assistance while using Reframe Monitor, please reach out to us at hello@reframe-data.io, and our team will be happy to help.